Introducing Nicole Bertaux, a WillPower and Grace instructor at Quinnipiac University in  Hamden, CT! 

Live BeautiFITly: What inspired you to be an instructor? How did you get into it?
Nicole Bertoux: I have always enjoyed working out and staying in shape, so when I came to Quinnipiac I wanted to continue those healthy habits. I fell in love with the fitness classes they offered and was very interested in someday teaching one of my own. When I found out they were bringing a new barefoot class to campus I immediately knew I wanted to be a part of it.

LB:  What do you LOVE about teaching your class and sharing a workout with others?
NB: I LOVE being the one to motivate and inspire others through my teaching. You don’t realize it, but the instructor has a lot to do with the class dynamic and how hard students are willing to push themselves. I like being the one to push students to their best ability and show them that everyone can stay healthy and workout!

LB:   What’s the most challenging part of the type of class you teach? 
The squats. This class puts a lot of emphasis on legs and cardio, so sick days can’t exist when teaching. We all have busy lives and get worn out, but the energy and effort needs to stay especially high during this workout because of how demanding it is.

LB:  What do you say to the people taking your class to stay motivated?
NB: I like to tell them that the only way we can improve is by challenging ourselves. A little sweat never hurt anybody.    

LB: What do you hope participants get out of your class?
NB: I obviously hope that participants get a great workout from my class, but I also hope that I motivate them to continue taking other fitness classes and staying active on campus!

LB:  What’s your favorite “move” or exercise of your class?
NB: My favorite move is the double squat because it is the most challenging one. At this point my quads are on fire, but once the move is completed I feel so accomplished.

LB: Any tips for beginners taking your class?
NB:  I would definitely tell beginners to work at their level. Because this class is so grueling it’s really easy to get discouraged and not want to come again. Sometimes students feel they are not athletic enough to take the class, but really it’s all what you make it.

LB: What are your own healthy habits?
NB: I like to eat healthy and stay active. In addition to teaching my fitness class I am also a member of my school’s dance company so between the two activities I stay pretty fit.


Okay so I couldn't resist. Below are 10 songs that scream HALLOWEEN! Get in the spirit and workout to some of the best (and spooky) songs out there! 

1. "Thriller," Michael Jackson 
2. "Ghostbusters," Ray Parker Junior (Who ya gonna call!) 
3. "Nightmare on My Street," DJ Jazzy Jeff and The Fresh Prince  
4. "Monster Mash," Bobby "Boris" Pickett 
5. "Superstition," Stevie Wonder 
6.  "Men in Black," Will Smith  (10 points for doing the dance scene!) 
7. Pirates of the Caribbean Theme Song  
8. "Everybody," Backstreet Boys (Remember this scary music video?) 
9. "She Wolf," Shakira 
10. "I Put A Spell On You," Hocus Pocus  (You're welcome.) 

Get a sweat (or stretch) on with these Halloween hits! 

PictureImage via Real Simple
TRICK OR TREAT! #ilovechocolate 

Happy Monday! Let's start this week off right and talk about candy! 

So for me Halloween is always a time when healthy eating shamelessly goes out the window. Chocolate after breakfast, during lunch, and before dinner, (and for all snacks), just seems right this time of year. SO, if you like to eat the way that I do this week, try and remember these comparisons from Real Simple when deciding what candy to eat. Keep in mind candy isn't good for you, but these options are at least a LITTLE bit better. Some of the swaps might surprise you! 

York Peppermint Patties are my favorite "healthy" chocolate. Three minis of these guys are 150 calories and 3 grams of fat. The calorie content obviously isn't great, but like the package says, it's "70% less fat" than other options. I'll always believe that. A friend of mine once saw me eating one and said, "that's like the veggie burger of chocolate!" I guess he was kind of right. 

For my non-chocolate-but-I'm-trying-to-be-calorie-conscious fix, I'm a Twizzlers and Gummi Bears girl (or worms of course). Four regular-sized pieces of strawberry Twizzlers are 140 calories and 10 Gummi Bears are only 82! 

A few more Healthy Attempted Halloween reminders: 
  •   ALWAYS keep it FUN-SIZED! Hey, we can at least attempt portion control right?
  •  Go for the H2O: don't drink your calories, save that for the candy! 

Introducing Diane Ferrer, a dancer-turned Zumba instructor from New Jersey! 

Live BeautiFITly: What inspired you to be an instructor? How did you get into it?  
Diane Ferrer: When I came to college, dancing, at least the way I knew it, was over. I knew that dancing was my way of not only keeping in shape, but also of relieving stress. I took a Zumba introduction class for credit at QU, and I fell in love immediately. The energy, the music, EVERYTHING. I knew that this would be the perfect way to stay in shape while still doing something I love. 

LB: What do you LOVE about teaching your class and sharing a workout with others?
I think that teaching a class motivates you to do better – it’s all eyes on you. When you're in front of a class, I've heard that many instructors feel some sort of pressure. I, on the other hand, feel at home teaching classes! I love working out with others because it pushes you to have your best work out – not because it's a "competition," but rather because you feel a sense of motivation. You want your students to do well and push it to the limit, so you in turn try to serve as a role model and push yourself to the limit also!

LB: What’s the most challenging part of the type of class you teach?
DF: I think my biggest challenge is that because it is so high energy, there's no room for being tired. “Bad days” just don't exist in Zumba. No matter how tired you are, you have to keep on going as if it is a party. As a college student that is constantly on the go, there needs to be a balance—you need to be conscious of how well rested you are before going in and teaching a class. In order for a Zumba class to be successful, it’s so important to keep the energy going the entire time and it truly is difficult to do so when you’re running on just a few hours of sleep!

LB: What do you say to the people taking your class to stay motivated?
DF: I tell them to remember to HAVE FUN. I find myself constantly reminding my students to “SMILE!” People forget that although it is a fitness class, Zumba was designed to be a fun and exciting way to work out. I know that I, personally, often get bored on the treadmill for an hour—Zumba reaches out to those individuals who feel the same!

LB:  What’s your favorite “move” or exercise of your class?
DF: My favorite exercise is my squat exercise to “Drop It Low” by Kat DeLuna—it's a great song that incorporates some sexy and fun dancing while still working out those glutes!

LB: Any tips for beginners taking your class?
DF:  Don't be intimidated by the dancing! And don't be embarrassed. Pretend like no ones watching and I PROMISE you'll get the most out of it!

LB: What do you hope participants get out of your class? 
DF: I hope that those who take my class feel a sense of accomplishment after class. Like I said, the class is designed to be fun... But fun in a sweaty kind of way!

LB: What are your own healthy habits? 
DF:  I try to work out regularly, watch what I eat, and, most importantly, get the appropriate amount of sleep! College students often forget that even if you’re working out and eating healthy but aren’t getting enough sleep, it can become counterproductive.

TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT! In celebration of the Biggest Loser Season 15 premier, I figured sharing some inspiring (and cut throat) advice and quotes from my favorite kick-ass trainer couldn't be more perfect. 
PicturePhoto Credit:
1. "Unless you faint, puke, or die, KEEP GOING!" 

2. "Transformation is not five minutes from now; it's a present activity. In this moment you can make a different choice, and it's these small choices and successes that build up over time to help cultivate a healthy self-image and self esteem." 

3. "At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility." 

4. "It's not about perfect, it's about effort."

5. "Why choose to fail when success is an option?" 

6."Don't blame anyone or anything for your situation or problems. When you do that, you are saying that you are powerless over your own life—which is utter crap. An empowering step to reclaiming your life is taking responsibility." –Facebook

7. Be awesome. Live life to the fullest. Shoot for the stars and never settle" 

8. "Transformation is not five minutes from now; it's a present activity. In this moment you can make a different choice, and it's these small choices and successes that build up over time to help cultivate a healthy self-image and self esteem." 

9. "Fitness to me isn't about a crunch or a push-up, it's about taking your power back." 

10. "At the end of the day, your health is your responsibility." 

Will you be watching tonight? I'M SO EXCITED! 
PictureLindsey (in green) works with a client, inspiring her to keep going!
Name:  Lindsey Corak
Type of fitness instructor:  Spinning, kickboxing, zumba, bootcamp and core classes. 

 Live BeautiFITly: What inspired you to be an instructor? How did you get into it?
 Lindsey Corak: Health was always a big part of my life starting when I was 16 years old. I was overweight growing up until I tore my ACL playing freshman basketball in high school. Coming back from the injury I joined a gym and had a personal trainer. I grew a passion for exercise and healthy eating after I was able to drop more than a quarter of my bodyweight. I was so inspired by my personal trainers motivation that I knew this was the field I wanted to get into. I got certified to be a group exercise instructor my freshman year of college teaching a general aerobic/cardio type class at the college I transferred from before Quinnipiac. When I got to Quinnipiac my junior year I decided to get Mad Dogg spin certified. Ever since then teaching spin has been my favorite!

LB:  What do you LOVE about teaching your class and sharing a workout with others?
LC: I love creating my playlists. At Quinnipiac I had a younger crowd so I used more modern music. Now that I have an older crowd at my job I mixed it up and play some oldies but goodies (I really have grown to love oldies music!). I always mix up my playlist each week so the riders are excited to hear what I have for them in store for music today! I also love motivating people. Because I went through my own weight loss journey I can relate to others struggling with their weight. I feel like they develop more of a trust for me knowing I have been through the same.

LB:  What’s the most challenging part of the type of class you teach?
LC: Working with all different levels of fitness. I have to make sure I show a modified, intermediate and expert level to satisfy all needs. The age gap is large; I have people taking classes from 60 years old to 20 years old.

LB: What do you say to the people taking your class to stay motivated?
LC: I make them picture their fitness goals and dreams. I make sure all fitness levels are encouraged and make my classes upbeat with good music! I teach a variety of classes including kickboxing, spinning, zumba, boot camp, circuit training class, core classes. Changing it up is super important so that people don’t get bored and their bodies are always being challenged.

 LB: What do you hope participants get out of your class?
LC: A good sweat! My nickname at work is JJ (for Jillian Michaels Junior) I like to push my members past their comfort zone..after all, no pain no gain right??

 LB: What’s your favorite “move” or exercise that you teach? 
LC: For spin, I love sprints. I always pick songs that have a very intense, upbeat chorus. My favorite song to sprint to is Lets Go by Neyo, that really gets everyone hyped up! I also love to do one on one kickboxing sessions.

LB: Any tips for beginners?
LC: Always go at your own pace. Most people are afraid to take classes because they think everyone is watching them. Everyone is too concerned with themselves to be watching other people! I always encourage people to try new things because exercise isn’t the most fun thing on earth. Taking a class helps motivate you, meet new people and it’s a fun way to burn those calories!!!

LB: What are your own healthy habits?
LC: I make sure I have a balance in life. Staying healthy, eating right and exercising are super important, but you have to enjoy life too. I tell my clients, everything in moderation, there is no “bad for you food” and there’s no need to over exercise. If you can maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy yourself then you are on the right track!

 Want to hear more from Lindsey? Check out her blog and personal story here! 


And by HIIT, I mean high intensity interval training. Thanks to Greatist, once again, below is your complete how-to! Now you're set to start your day with an efficient, intense sweat-sesh, in or outside the gym! 

The Complete Guide to Interval Training

More Health and Fitness News & Tips at Greatist.

Welcome to my first Fit Female Friday post! I am so excited to start sharing these stories of other women who in their own ways, live beautiFITly. I hope that the interview below will maybe inspire some variety in your workouts and offer some new insight or advice on how to live a balanced lifestyle. 
PictureAbove, Meghan strikes a yoga pose on the beach!
Name: Meghan Crehan
Type of Instructor: Pilates and Yoga 

Live BeautiFITly:  What inspired you to be an instructor? How did you get into it?  

Meghan Crehan: I discovered Pilates when I began taking classes at my local YMCA when I was 17 years old. Right away, I loved the great workout I got as well as how relaxed I felt afterward. The instructor was incredible and it wasn’t long before I could imagine myself enjoying teaching. It was only a matter of time and money before I found a training I could participate in. I initially taught classes at Quinnipiac University during my senior year and now I teach regular classes at the YMCA where I was first inspired.
However, my Yoga certification was quite spontaneous. My supervisor offered me a spot in a training course the YMCA was going to host. Although I had tried Yoga several times during high school and college, I never really enjoyed it. I decided to attempt it again though and this time I was able to honor my level of flexibility and relax. I was pleasantly surprised by the physical and mental influence it had and decided I would like to pursue it. Now I love to start my day with at least a little bit of Yoga for the stretching and clarity of mind it offers.

LB:  How do you encourage your class to stay motivated? 
MC: I always say at the very beginning of a class that this is their workout and to do what is comfortable for their bodies. Their levels of comfort and flexibility may vary day to day or even depending on the time of day so it is essential that they are aware of how they are feeling and what they hope to gain during the hour.

LB:   What’s your favorite “move” or exercise that you teach? 
MC: In Pilates, I like the Roll Over because personally, I find that it takes more concentration on the breath and controlled movement than some of the other exercises even though these elements should be present throughout the routine. In Yoga, I love Chaturanga Dandasana. It takes a great amount of upper body strength and as cheesy as it sounds, I feel so strong and powerful afterwards.

LB:  What’s the most challenging part of your classes?
MC: I think knowing one’s limits and honoring them is the most challenging. In spite of the modifications that are presented, people sometimes feel pressured to perform the highest progression because others around them are or they are set on challenging themselves. However, doing this can cause injury or not result in the desired benefits when not performed correctly or carefully.

LB: Any tips for PIlates or yoga beginners? 
MC: As I do for everyone, I tell them to pay attention to their own bodies and only do what is comfortable. I want it to be understood that modifications do not necessarily change the exercises, they are just other options that are available.

LB:   What do you hope participants get out of your class?
MC: I hope they get whatever they’re hoping to – a great workout, a little “me time”, better posture, a sense of achievement, mental refocusing. Overall, I want them to be content, even proud of what they have accomplished and focus that positive energy into other aspects of their lives.

LB: What do you LOVE about teaching your class and sharing a workout with others? 
MC: Recalling my reaction to Pilates when I began taking classes, I like to think that I can pass on that feeling to others. It’s so rewarding at the end of a class when people leave saying how much they “really needed that,” or simply thank me. Besides gaining a physical workout, that one hour can help one de-stress or develop a more positive attitude.

LB: What are your own healthy habits?
MC: I am a creature of habit. Now working in an elementary school during the day and attending grad school classes at night, I tend to go to bed fairly early and wake up early, possibly squeezing in a morning workout for energy. I love food and quite honestly, I love nutritious food – fruits, veggies, whole grains, proteins – I like knowing that what I am consuming will benefit me throughout the day (and that usually includes indulging in dessert for pure bliss!).

Are you a fitness instructor or do you know of one? Let me know! Email me at [email protected] or tweet me @livebeautiFITly! 


PictureStarbucks #Selfie? Yup.

Okay I have to admit, I LOVE Starbucks. What I don't love? The amount of calories in a cup that can turn my morning routine into an indulgence. However, I've found a way to still enjoy it while keeping the calorie count low. 

Last year I discovered Starbucks cappuccino. It's almost so basic, and old-fashioned when compared to Fall's beloved Pumpkin Spiced Latte and everyone's favorite Caramel Macchiato (hot or iced , of course), that is almost seems forgotten. But in the Biggest Loser game of Starbucks calories, cappuccinos sweep this contest. A grande cappuccino made with skim milk, is only 80 calories. Life. Changed. It may not seem like much of a drink with the amount of foam taking up the cup, but it gives you the caffeine you need, for sure. I like to add one packet of sugar and A LOT of cinnamon to mine. The cinnamon gives it that #PSL flavor that we all love this time of year! And for your own reference, a grande non-fat pumpkin spiced latte is a whopping 330 calories. Now THAT is an indulgence. 

I know that the tell-all tale of losing weight or being healthy is to cut calories when you can. So, if Starbucks is really your thing, like it is mine, than never fear! Along with cappuccinos, here are some of my other favorite ways to be low-cal at Starbs. All drinks below are grande (16 oz.) with skim milk or skinny as noted.  Iced coffee and regular coffee with skim milk is always a healthy route to go too, but this table is dedicated to the "fun" drinks we all love! 

The higher calorie drinks are for the days when you just need it. You know what I'm talking about. 

Also, one more quick tip...CUT THE WHIP! Adding whipped cream to your drink, whether it be a latte or frappuccino adds on another 50 calories!

*All calorie info is credited to Starbucks Menu nutrition. 

Ten Ways to Prevent Eating out of Boredom! 

This weeks Tuesday 10 is courtesy of Pinterest. I came across this list last week and just thought that it would be PERFECT to share! 

We've all been there: Nothing to do around the house, nothing to watch on TV, and then all the sudden we find ourselves entertained with some ice cream, Ritz crackers and some left over pasta. NOT GOOD PEOPLE! Mindless eating, is really the worst thing you can do for yourself so here are a few tips to help you do something else with your time. 

1. Take a walk. Weather permitting of course. But it's always a great idea to get some sun and breathe in some fresh air. Even if it's 10 minutes or 20 minutes, taking a walk will distract you from some random munching and you just got in some physical activity! 

2. Paint you nails.  I like this one because it REALLY prevents you from snacking. (You don't want a smudge right?) And if you really want to get fancy, check out these tips for a French manicure from Seventeen Magazine!  But say you're nails are already looking "did," try being crafty in other ways. Freshen up the pictures frames in your room with some new photos or move some furniture around for a new take on things! 

3. Drink water or tea. It's true. Sometimes you are just thirsty, but that empty feeling inside can easily be mistaken for hunger. This is one of my favorite tips, because I love tea, especially green tea. It can be filling and also has SO MANY other benefits! Another alternative to this is to eat an apple, this perfect Fall fruit is filled with water and surprisingly a burst of caffeine

4. Watch a comedy. Because who isn't distracted by a good laugh right? 

5. Reorganize something. Similar to number 2, the point is to keep busy. I like the suggestion of reorganizing your laptop, maybe your iTunes needs a little bit of a cleanup? Or those billions of documents you have from school could all be put into folders for future reference! 

*If you're going to do something mindless, it might as well be something productive right?  Eating isn't one of those things, unless it's time for a meal of course. 

6. Don't keep opening and closing the fridge. Just don't. You will just keep thinking about the food that you're trying not to eat and inevitably, you'll take a bite out of that birthday cake staring you in the face. 

7. Shower or bathe. This can definitely be super relaxing. Try a new body wash, or bath oils for a DIY spa experience.  Letting your mind drift other places then your unannounced appetite. 

8. Talk to a friend. One of my favorite things to do is pick up the phone and catch up with a friend. I walk around my room and actually clean while I'm talking. (Two birds with one stone, right?) You'll be surprised how a 20 minute conversation over the phone can jumpstart you into doing other things! Also, asking questions and telling stories--maybe even some gossiping--allows no time for chewing, right? 

9. Walk around the mall. Or better yet, do some errands. You know you need to get to the bank, or pick up something from CVS, why not now? The mall is a good choice too, browse around and create a list of things you want! 

10. Meditate. Clear your head of everything, especially that voice reminding you about the chips in the cabinet. Sometimes it's just good not to think at all or to take some reflection time by yourself.  If you're looking for a meditation with some physical activity involved, try my favorite yoga clip! I love doing this at night when my snack cravings kick in!